The series Haunted Collector comes on SyFi channel Wednesday evenings. The premise of this groups paranormal investigations are that objects may have a  spirit  or an energy attached to it thus causing paranormal activity.  They assist those experiencing  activity by finding objects that may be involved, such as a Ouija board and removing it.

John Zaffis is the leader of this team. What I like the most about them personally is their friendliness in social networking sites like Twitter. They have not passed into the snobby elite class that are too famous and important to respond to fans. Professionally they are on point, not looking to every orb as a sign from the other side.

John Zaffis operates a paranormal museum. It contains many of the objects he has removed from homes and other places.  “With most of the items in the museum, they have been used in rituals, usually when spells are being cast. Although the items are not “possessed,” energy can be sent towards an object. Items can hold energy within or around them, and it is usually the result of the energy being sent to the object by an individual”. ~ John Zaffis

I really appreciate  the 30 plus years of experience in the paranormal field that John brings.  His team seem to be dedicated and sincere. There will be critics who do not believe that spirits will attach themselves to objects or even that they exist. We need sincere critics in the field because there is too much room for error. Evidence is of the utmost to sincere paranormal investigators.

From my own personal experiences I am a believer. One story out of many; My husband accepted a free baby grand piano through a church connection. At the time he was the church keyboardist. We knew nothing about it. Soon after its arrival we had a visitor. An angry spirit came and burst in the front door. At first I tried to ignore it like I always do, but he made several visits. He wanted the piano taken back to his home. At this point I wasn’t sure he knew he was dead.

I started asking around, where did this piano come from? From what I could gather his living daughter donated it to the church after he passed. I’m not the kind of person to go tell someone your dead father wants his piano back. So yes, I do believe spirits can be attached to objects. I didn’t remove the piano I just asked him to leave, that I was sorry but he had to leave. I don’t have any evidence to this happening but it’s why I appreciate good investigators who take this seriously and gather reputable evidence.

Haunted Collector has the potential to make people more aware of their spiritual surroundings and possibly more discriminating in what objects they may welcome into their homes.

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Creep factor at a ten on this episode. This poor woman was living a terror she should not have had to go through. After a divorce she moved into the house with a baby and a toddler. As is often the case people faced with paranormal events in a home are not always able to just pack and leave. Then there’s rationalizing, trying to make sense of events taking place outside the realm of normal.

She was tormented by the spirit of a mean cantankerous old man. He lived in the attic, walking back and forth terrifying the renter. His hatred fueled his powers allowing him to manifest. This particular house located in San Pedro California has been on the paranormal radar for years. This helps to confirm the authenticity of the story. Below is a link to the original story done in 2007.  Well worth five minutes of your time to watch.

Stories like this really speak to the necessity of regularly cleansing our homes. We must claim the area as ours. Priests came in to check it all out and accused her of inviting the spirit.  There are many ways in which we may knowingly or unknowingly invite them in. But a skull in an aquarium or a weird doll is not enough to invite this kind of severe evil haunt as the priests claimed. There has to be intent i.e. Ouija boards or dark witchcraft.

Personally I am not in favor of having spirits around. I disagree with some paranormal researchers who feel that they are not harmful. As soon as activity starts is the time to take action. There should be a definitive line between the worlds because what you can’t see can hurt you.

I look forward to paranormal Wednesdays! Although I love the new series “The Dead Files” with Amy Allen  that shows on Fridays on The Travel Channel, it’s a welcome addition to the paranormal research offerings.

The original Ghost Hunters comes on Wednesdays on the SciFi channel, they were the first group to bring rational thought and methods to active paranormal research. People associated with this group have developed different para scientific methods for detecting the presence of paranormal energy from EVPs to electrical manifestations. “Paranormal Witness” looks promising, and “Haunted Collector” has been fun. “School Spirits” is also a new one that is fun to watch.

What you will often find in paranormal research is dedicated to near obsessed people searching for life on the other side and there is often a particular reason for this. Most if not all of them have had an experience that crossed the boundaries of “normal” physics as we understand them. They can become haunted by it and must seek an answer or explanation to what they seen or heard that was beyond the normal, it was paranormal. It can leave a hint of cognitive dissonance that intelligent thinkers can’t just accept.

It takes a bit of research and personal experience to see the fakes from the authentic in this genre. Then there are those of us who have seen and experienced enough to spot the fakes or misguided. Some people who may not be emotionally grounded seem to be attracted to the paranormal seeking mystical experiences or powers. Almost all “orbs” and plays on light are not paranormal, but if you want something to true hard enough you will see ghosts in every closet.

So yes, I am borderline obsessed with the paranormal because I grew up in a “haunted” house as a child. It was absolutely normal to live in a haunted house, I didn’t know I was supposed to be afraid of the spirits that lived there. I didn’t even know it was not normal to hear them walk up the stairs even when I was the only one home, until a girlfriend came to play with me after school one day.

Little red haired Joanna and I went upstairs to play in my room after school, no one was home yet, we were 9 year old latch key kids from Gardena California. We both were in the same grade at 186th Street School in 1969. The familiar footsteps came up the stairs, followed by voices downstairs. I knew these people were not like us but I also knew they were some kind of beings. When I asked about the noises early on I was told that the house was settling. As a little girl that was enough for me, I just couldn’t figure out how the invisible people made the house settle. It wasn’t enough for Joanna.

Joanna asked me who was home. We heard the front door open, voices, footsteps. I knew the different sounds of the spirit people from the physical people so I told her, “no one.” She froze until the footsteps came up the stairs down the hall and stopped at my bedroom door, then she panicked. She, ran down the stairs, looked into the family room to check for people to connect to the voices, screamed when she saw the apparitions and ran out of the house. She never came over again to play. That’s when I learned it was not “normal” to live with spirits without bodies.

The Dead Files

Ghost Hunters

Haunted Collector

School Spirits

Posted: June 21, 2011 in Uncategorized

An empath does not always have the ability to not feel 100% of what another person is feeling especially if that person is a friend or loved one. We are tuned into their station, connected by that relationship via the love. Sometimes it is even difficult to discern the difference between their feelings and our own. Empaths can deeply feel another persons emotions and are empathetic to them.

Sometimes we have to climb up to the top of the mountain alone to bring psychic and emotional distance between us. This is often percieved as aloof or uncaring when just the opposite is true. We care and feel too much. A natural born empath will never be at peace if they must constantly be around energetic drama and crowds. We need a quiet mind, a quiet place and a calm heart to thrive. Characteristics of empaths;

  • Often surrounded by living things and have  natural camaraderie with them. An empath  knows when the plants need watering, they don’t need to feel the soil, they just know.
  • Will often be quiet especially in a crowd, misunderstood as being shy.
  • Children are drawn to them as they are to children.
  • Feels special connections to the earth and nature.

   Can you find me?

In order to survive as an empath, I have to live a fairly secluded lifestyle close to the calm of nature. If not I will pick up people’s thoughts feelings and emotions on a constant basis. It is like being a human radio picking up waves of thoughts and emotions. There is serenity in the land of the Joshua tree

On Social Networking

Twitter users can live around the world, it doesn’t matter, a sensitive empath will feel them. Each person is like a radio station on a global radio. When people are honest, authentic, open to sharing their lives, the station comes in clear. When someone is fake, lies, or has ulterior motives no matter how many people they are fooling, I will know. I’ll know because they are a station that cannot be tuned in without static. The static will get on my nerves until I have no choice but to unfollow them. I can’t control the static, can’t turn it down without distancing myself from that station.

 Then I’m faced with a dilemma, do I confront them? Tell anyone? Usually, no. It’s not my drama it is theirs. Maybe sometimes people need to believe a lie, I don’t know. I can’t maintain a meaningful relationship with someone who is lying to me. Sometimes people are not stable enough to handle being faced with the reality of their lies, they will only continue to lie. It’s easier for all if I just walk away.

Update; The original reason for this post was because someone on Twitter was lying about dying of cancer. I knew what she was up to, tried to deal with it, told the people I could but she was very good at deception. It was hard watching many people invest in this person, sending Internet cards, many months of chatting and phone calls. But I had no choice. With enough time an author researched her story and contacted me. After explaining my empathic readings another Twitter friend decided to go visit her. Well she “died” that night and so did her puppet account supposedly being her relative. After more research her entire story was revealed as a lie.